90-97% of visitors to your website won’t convert.
I know… a little piece of my soul dies every time I think about it, too.
[Queue Morgan Freeman narrator voice] But not all hope is lost.Marketers everywhere are using overlays to get more conversions from their existing website traffic — without running more campaigns, increasing their budget or redesigning their site.
And in our latest ebook, 12 Proven Ways to Convert With Overlays, we spill all their juicy secrets. (Okay, maybe not the one about what happened in Vegas.)

Get more conversions from your website traffic
This ebook will teach you how real companies are using overlays to score more subscribers, sales leads and sales — and how you can start planning your own overlay campaigns today.
By entering your email you’ll receive weekly Unbounce Blog updates and other resources to help you become a marketing genius.
In 12 Proven Ways to Convert with Overlays by Angus Lynch and Amanda Durepos (oh hi), you’ll learn:
- What overlays are and why you should care
- Real-world examples and case studies of companies using overlays to score more subscribers, sales leads and sales
- Tried-and-true best practices to help you plan your own overlay campaigns
In short, it’s 40 pages of overlay inspiration and guidance to help you score more conversions from your existing traffic. Ya dig?