36 Creative Landing Page Design Examples: A Showcase and Conversion Critique
Image source. Psst: This post was originally published in 2013, but we recently gave it a refresh during our two-week publishing hiatus. Since launching the Unbounce Marketing Blog, this post has...
View ArticleDo You Believe In…Conversion Magic?
Do you believe in… conversion magic? Image via Shutterstock. Like any potions master would attest, the secret to a great elixir lies in the measured combination of its ingredients. Over the years,...
View ArticleFrom Blog to Book: The Simple Strategy Smart Authors are Using in 2016
Don’t try to deny it; you’d love to write a book. In fact, you’ve been dreaming about it so much you can visualize it. Seeing your name on the front cover of a published book. Revelling in the fame,...
View ArticleExpert Interview: How Humana uses Voice of Customer data and Creates “Super...
Mike Loveridge is the Head of Digital Conversion Optimization at Humana. In his position, he has conducted more than 300 tests, and achieved a 70%+ win rate. No matter how you slice it, he is an expert...
View ArticleNext Level Landing Page Optimization: Before and After the Conversion
We spend a lot of time on this blog waxing poetic about the importance of optimizing your landing pages. But landing pages are only one element of a stellar, high-converting marketing campaign. And...
View ArticleLow Email CTR? Here’s Why You Should Delete Subscribers
Saying goodbye to your unengaged subscribers is the hardest part. The second hardest is getting the greasy handprints off your window. Image via Shutterstock. By 2018, you’ll get over 140 emails each...
View Article7 Cruel Ways Writers Torture Themselves
Seriously, what is it with writers? You’d think they actually enjoy pain and misery. After all, writing is hard enough without inventing new ways to make yourself suffer. But suffer they do. Perhaps...
View Article25 Inspirational Resources for Copywriters
Image via Shutterstock. As a copywriter, you need to be immersed in what’s going on in the world, even when those things seem completely unrelated to what you’re doing. Why? Because you’re writing for...
View Article7 Thank You Pages That Take Post-Conversion to the Next Level
You can do better than that. Image source. Psst: This post was originally published in 2014, but we recently gave it a refresh during our two-week publishing hiatus. Since launching the Unbounce...
View Article297 Flabby Words and Phrases That Rob Your Writing of All Its Power
You’re not stupid. You know what writing is truly about. It’s a never-ending battle for your readers’ attention. Every sentence is a link in a taut chain that connects your headline to your...
View ArticlePage Templates Tested: How a few UX tweaks to 45 template pages generated a...
Does UX really make that much of a difference? Besides being an important business question, there’s an entire industry of UX professionals who count on it making a difference. Sure, intuitively, we...
View ArticleFree Google AdWords Keyword Suggestion Tool Alternative
Google recently made it much harder to receive accurate keyword data from the AdWords keyword tool. They have not only grouped similar terms, but then they broadened out the data ranges to absurdly...
View ArticleThat Time Unbounce Stopped Posting for 2 Weeks… And Scored 700 New Leads
In my kitchen I have a poster that reads, “SLOW DOWN.” It’s a simple reminder, but one that I need constantly. Walk more slowly. Stop and appreciate the simple things. Take a break and call your mom....
View ArticleBuild a Better Home Page Strategy: How multiple objectives on a homepage...
Homepages are among the most difficult places for marketers to optimize for a few of reasons: Internal company politics can create a battle for real estate on the home page that may or may not be in...
View ArticleWhat You Need to Know About Google Maps’ Promoted Pins
Image via Shutterstock. According to the most recent numbers, about one billion people around the world have downloaded Google Maps and use it to reach 1.5 billion destinations each year. That’s a lot...
View ArticleWhy Most Businesses Get Crappy Results from Content Marketing
Let’s start with a simple question… How, exactly, does content marketing make money? Because that’s the end goal, right? You’re not hunched over your keyboard, racking your brain for...
View ArticlePenguin 4.0 Update
On Friday Google’s Gary Illyes announced Penguin 4.0 was now live. Key points highlighted in their post are: Penguin is a part of their core ranking algorithm Penguin is now real-time, rather than...
View ArticleThe Non-Gimme-Gimme Guide to Writing Lead Generation Pages
I want your email… I want your NAME… I WANT YOUR SOOOOOOOUULL! SUBMIT TO MY AWESOME POWWWWWERRRRRR! Yikes. But sometimes that’s how lead-generation pages come off, right? Sure, you’re a grown up with...
View ArticleMake Your Content Useful: How a simple UI change created 74% more page views
When your digital media business depends largely on page views, anything you can do to increase those views also increases the chance of long-term success. For Car & Driver, one set of pages in...
View ArticleWhy We Started Treating Blog Posts Like Campaigns (and You Can Too!)
It’s easy to get stuck on the hamster wheel that is publishing three blog posts a week because that’s what we’ve always done. At Unbounce, we still fall into the trap of publishing more versus...
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