11 Reasons People Bounce from Your Blog and Never Return
You know what? You work damn hard to get people to your blog. Pushing yourself to unearth the best ideas, pouring your soul into your writing, and promoting your posts like your next breath depends on...
View Article7 ways I’ve increased conversion rates (and even retention) with thank you pages
Most marketers believe that the path to a high converting funnel consists of 3 parts: driving traffic to their landing pages, analyzing their results, and optimizing them. This is where they believe...
View ArticleFacebook Organic Reach is Dying: Here’s Why It’s a Good Thing
More and more our News Feeds are full of updates from friends… not companies — but there are benefits to this. Image via Shutterstock. Facebook wears many hats. It does everything, and is everything....
View ArticleHow Does Page Load Time Affect Conversion Rate? New Research Shows...
Most marketers understand that a slow page produces low conversion rates. But how significant is the correlation? How fast do customers expect sites to load? Are customer expectations for page load...
View Article10 Landing Page Design Examples With Conversion Rates [FREE LOOKBOOK]
It doesn’t matter how much time you spend planning a marketing campaign, building a landing page or tweaking an ad. At the end of the day, only one thing defines whether your work is successful or not:...
View Article6 Ways To Send Emails Your Customers Will Love
Young love in the 21st century, amirite? Image via Shutterstock. Psst: This post was originally published in 2014, but we recently gave it a refresh during our two-week publishing hiatus. Since...
View ArticleHomepage Optimization: 5 Marketing blind spots that inhibit conversion (and...
We all have blind spots. Some of us more than others. But if we’ve learned anything from the last 100 years or so of marketing and advertising, it’s that marketers have some of the worst blind spots...
View ArticleHighlights (And Recordings) from CRO Day 2016
What do bear costumes, “artisanal” moustache wax and protecting the grandmas of the world from shady marketing tactics have in common? CRO Day, of course. On Thursday, September 29, 2016, Unbounce...
View ArticleThe Five Most Realistic Ways to Make a Living as a Writer
You want it so bad that it dominates your waking thoughts. You’re even afraid to say it out loud, in case you sound plain crazy: “I want to make a living as a writer.” (You can just imagine the snorts...
View ArticleThe Polarizing Power of an Unconventional Sales Email
“People don’t read long emails.” We hear that all the time (it’s second only to our other fave, “People don’t read online.”). And yet, long emails seem to work. Brilliantly. Not just for us at Copy...
View ArticleRand Fishkin’s 5 Simple Experiments for Improving SEO Health
Content not ranking on Google? Nurse it back to SEO health with Rand’s five experiments. Image via Shutterstock. What do you do to get fit, lose weight or improve your overall health? You snack on...
View Article7 Top-Performing Unbounce Marketing Emails to Copy, Paste & Customize
I’ve been wanting to write this post for a while, though I always had a slightly different format in mind. But after seeing this incredibly delightful and generous post by messaging app Drift, I knew...
View Article3 A/B Testing Case Studies from Smart Brand-Side Marketers
When you’re embarking on a new campaign, or a launching a new CMS, there are a million things that can go wrong. To which I say: GOOD. Bring it on. That’s what testing is all about, right? Letting the...
View ArticleCreate a Case Study that Converts [INFOGRAPHIC]
We have a saying at Unbounce: “Put a customer on it.” Whether it’s a blog post, conference talk or even our homepage, we take every opportunity possible to show how our tool is helping real marketers...
View ArticleWarning: Are You Suffocating Your Blog by Needlessly Neglecting Newbies?
Editor’s note: You’ll certainly have heard the following advice, commonly given to bloggers — “write for your ideal reader.” But the truth is, your most valuable readers won’t have identical needs....
View ArticleBeyond Optimization: Email A/B Tests That Will Improve Your Entire Business
Those email metrics may provide you with more insight than you thought. Image via Shutterstock. The components of an A/B test are pretty straightforward: change some stuff, compare key metrics, deploy...
View Article5 a/b test ideas for mobile gaming apps
We talk a lot about a/b testing here on MarketingExperiments. What we don’t usually talk about is a/b testing for the mobile web…especially testing within mobile apps. I thought we should change that....
View ArticleBoosting B2B Leads by 9x with PPC and Landing Page Best Practices [Case Study]
Send your conversion rate soaring with landing page and PPC best practices. Image via Shutterstock. Do you ever dream about increasing your conversion rate? How about increasing it by 290% and...
View ArticleThe Epic Content Cycle: 10 Steps to 10X Content [Infographic]
It’s the holy grail of the blogosphere — highly sought after but rarely achieved. We’re talking, of course, about “epic” content. Creating it, though, feels like an impossible mission for many...
View ArticleMarketing Needs English Majors: 3 Highly marketable business skills that...
I received my B.A. in English in May, 2008. It was one of the worst years in recent history to graduate from college. Hiring at every company in the country had all but stopped. And at the time, it...
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