16 Overlay Examples Critiqued for Conversion
When it comes to overlays, everyone’s a critic — especially your prospects. Image via Shutterstock. These days, cyberspace is about as cluttered as my closet. And in that deep sea of endless streams...
View ArticleThe 17 Best Digital Marketing Conferences of 2017
Does the word conference bring up memories of suited professionals droning on about… well, you can’t quite remember what? Awkward socializing, shameless sales pitching, lined paper and branded pens —...
View Article47 Resources for People Who Love to Write but Can Never Find the Time
Tugs at your soul, doesn’t it? You love to write. You always have. But honestly — who has the time? Not only do you have a job and family and friends, but there are a gazillion tiny distractions...
View ArticleDesign & UX Trends to Boost Conversions in 2017 [INFOGRAPHIC]
As more of our interactions — both business and personal — migrate online, intuitive design and user experience have never been more important. The fast pace at which the digital world is changing...
View ArticleOptimizing Course Product Pages: How to use a research-based methodology to...
Courses are difficult to sell. The product is usually intangible so it takes quite a bit of imagination on the customer’s part to identify exactly what they will get as a result of taking the course....
View ArticleConversions Are for Closers: Using Conversion-Centered Design Principles to...
The campaign conversion path is often a long and windy trail that consists of your prospect having objections and you effectively countering them. If you’ve done your job properly, your prospect will...
View Article20 Ways to Be Just Another Mediocre Blogger Nobody Gives a Crap About
A troubling thought, isn’t it? You’re slaving away at your blog, but you can’t help wondering if you have a shot in hell of getting anyone to read it. What makes you any different from the millions of...
View ArticleWhat Do Conversions, Your Homepage and Vodka Martinis Have in Common?
We’ve all been there— you’re sitting in yet another kickoff meeting, tasked with the impossible: find a way to get more conversions from your homepage with less manpower, fewer resources and a...
View ArticleHow Sermo increased the opt-in rate for a rented list by 197%
Are rented lists effective? What can I expect for a conversion rate on one? Are my emails even getting read when I rent a list? These are all good questions, and the answer is… It depends. The best we...
View ArticleToday, We Are Fools. Happily. (Or why we built and are finally launching...
There’s something foolish about venturing into seemingly new territory. Today, we’re launching Airstory. We’re venturing into the land of Software. To some people, it will look like a copywriter is...
View ArticleIf It’s Painful, It’s Broken: Unbounce Blog Team Takeaways from 2016
Since I joined the Unbounce family three years ago, our marketing team has grown from seven to 35. The content team alone has grown from two to 12. That kind of growth comes with a lot of potential to...
View Article99 Ways to Get Inspired to Write
Ugh, it happened again. Another week or month has passed, and you’ve made zero progress on your writing goals. Deep down you know your writing is important, but you can’t take consistent action....
View ArticleIndustrial Digital Marketing: How being clear can maximize catalog orders and...
Digital marketing for industrial products has a specific set of unique challenges. For one, most industrial businesses are way behind the curve in both technology and marketing strategy. And for...
View ArticleHeroes & Beer Ads: How to write copy that gets reluctant prospects to take...
Every morning, I grab my phone and brace myself for the dumpster fire that is this moment in history. I sip my coffee (entirely unspiked with hard liquor), and I take a couple of deep breaths. I’m...
View ArticleYour Brain is Lying to You — Become a Better Marketer by Overcoming...
Image via Shutterstock. I’m going to ask you a personal question, and I want you to be honest. Don’t worry, you don’t have to say it aloud, so no one will know. Here it goes: Have you ever resisted or...
View ArticleBest Practices Are Often Just Pooled Ignorance: How to avoid this mistake by...
How do we know that our sites are performing at their maximum ability for our given objectives? • Is it because we used A/B testing to get a set of iterative performance bumps? • Is it because we used...
View ArticleUnbounce Convertables, Now with Advanced Targeting: Show the Right Offer to...
Imagine you run one of those old-timey candy shops. It’s packed wall to wall with chocolate, gummies, bubble gum, licorice and everything in between. Unfortunately, you spent all your money opening...
View ArticleValue Proposition: Free tool to help marketing teams discover their brand’s...
Share If you’ve read MarketingExperiments for any length of time or taken classes from our parent research organization, MECLABS Institute, you know that identifying and clearly communicating an...
View ArticleHow Hotjar Gained 60+ New Trial Signups a Month with a Single Overlay
Hotjar’s content experiment with overlays is turning website visitors into new customers. Here’s how. If you Google “Content is king,” here’s what you’ll find: More than 37 million Google results that...
View ArticleThe MECLABS Conversion Heuristic Applied: How a single-product ecommerce site...
Share After testing more than 10,000 sales paths over the past 20 years, MarketingExperiments and our parent company, MECLABS, have developed a thinking tool anyone can use for optimization. We call it...
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